Running Samples

Running the Samples

0. Build WWB from the source distribution by typing: mvn clean install

1. cd wicketwebbeans-examples

2. mvn jetty:run (runs examples using Jetty)

3. Point your browser at: http://localhost:8080/wicketwebbeans-examples/WebBeans

You can also deploy the wicketwebbeans-examples.war file to your favorite app server. If you're using Tomcat, we recommend 5.5.23 or later.

This release also contains Databinder support. The examples can be run by following step 0 above and then doing:

1. cd wicketwebbeans-databinder-examples

2. mvn jetty:run (runs examples using Jetty)

3. Point your browser at: http://localhost:8080/wicketwebbeans-databinder-examples/app

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